Bulk Billing Medical Centre

3 Ashby St, Trafalgar
Patient Resources

Patient Resources

Adolescent Health:

Royal Children’s Hospital  www.rch.org.au

Information on the facilities and service of the hospital including medical related links.



Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy www.allergy.org.au



Our early detection and prevention programs aim to help people quit smoking,  protect themselves from the sun,  eat healthier foods and engage in  physical activity to reduce the risk of cancer.

Cancer Australia aims to reduce the impact of cancer, address disparities and improve outcomes for people affected by cancer by leading and coordinating national, evidence-based interventions across the continuum of care.  

Cancer screening can help protect your health through early detection, even if you don’t have any symptoms of the disease. Simple screening tests look for particular changes and early signs of cancer before it has developed or before any symptoms emerge.

Non-government cancer control organisation with the aim of facilitating prevention, research, support, and care,

BCNA works to ensure that Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best support, information, treatment and care appropriate to their needs.

Bowel Cancer Australia’s vision is to reduce incidence, death and suffering associated with bowel cancer through advocacy, awareness, education, support and research.

Drug and Alcohol:

Supplies resources for those struggling with alcohol use and details of AA meetings.



General Health:

Health and medical information for consumers, quality assured by the Victorian government.

Health direct provides easy access to trusted, quality health information and advice online and over the phone.

Harness’ new technologies to provide an extensive range of cessation support options.

The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) is Australia’s leading expert body promoting the development and maintenance of public and individual health standards.

Provides you with information on aged care for yourself, a family member, friend or someone you’re caring for.

Is an independent statutory agency whose role is to implement the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), which will support a better life for hundreds of thousands of Australians with a significant and permanent disability and their families and carers.

Providing a safe and efficient way to prevent the spread of many diseases that cause hospitalisation, serious ongoing health conditions and sometimes death.

Free, independent, evidence-based info on medicines, health conditions & medical tests for health professionals & consumers.

General Practice:

The AMA exists to promote and protect the professional interests of doctors and the health care needs of patients and communities.

Provides information about planning, policy development, funding and regulation of health services and activities that promote and protect Victoria’s health. This includes delivery of mental health and aged care services in Victoria.

The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners is responsible for maintaining standards for quality clinical practice, education and training, and research in Australian general practice.


To provide dignity, support and education for Australians suffering from arthritis and their carers.


Asthma Australia and Asthma Foundations work collaboratively to improve the quality of life for people with asthma.

Cardiovascular Disease:

The Heart Foundation works to saves lives and improve health through funding world-class cardiovascular research, guidelines for health professionals, informing the public and assisting people with cardiovascular disease.

NCEPA aims to help Australians lower their cholesterol levels by providing up to date recommendations on diet and lifestyle with suggestions that are easy to follow and very effective.


Diabetes Australia is committed to reducing the impact of diabetes. We work in partnership with diabetes health professionals and educators, researchers and healthcare providers to minimise the impact of diabetes on the Australian community.

Mental Health:

beyondblue is the national initiative to raise awareness of anxiety and depression, providing resources for recovery, management and resilience.

Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free, private and confidential, telephone and online counselling service specifically for young people aged between 5 and 25.

Mental Health works to deepen understanding of the importance of mental wellbeing. Educating the community about available treatment options for mental illness and promoting good mental health and the means to maintain it.


The Brain Foundation is a nationally registered charity dedicated to funding world-class research Australia-wide into neurological disorders, brain disease and brain injuries.

The role of Parkinson’s Australia is to advocate on the basis of evidence-based policy, promote awareness of Parkinson’s and administer national contracts with the Commonwealth Government.

Alzheimer’s Australia advocate for the needs of people living with all types of dementia, and for their families and carers, and provide support services, education and information.

The National Stroke Foundation is a national not-for-profit organisation working across the stroke journey, supporting stroke survivors, carers, health professionals, governments and the public to reduce the impact of stroke on the Australian community.
A key part of their role is to raise awareness lobby for key issues for people with MS. Over time this has included advocating for more affordable and accessible treatments, the protection of legal rights for people with MS in legislation and meeting with politicians to raise awareness about pertinent issues.

Epilepsy Action Australia provides a range of services including patient and community education, seizure management planning, case management, emergency medication training, workshops and residential camps, as well as supporting a number of hospital based clinics.

MND promote optimal care outcomes for people living with MND, and enable research that will identify the cause and lead to better care, control, and ultimately a cure for MND.







Website information is intended as a guide only and is not a substitute for independent professional advice.

Information and interactions contained in these web sites are for information purposes only and are not intended to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Further, the accuracy, currency and completeness of the information available on these web sites cannot are not guaranteed or produced by St. Mary Medical Centre and  do not accept any liability for any injury, loss or damage incurred by use of or reliance on the information made available whether arising from negligence or otherwise.

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